
DS 銀鷹點金輪細角鏈(60/3.5)
DS 銀鷹點金輪細角鏈
There are two major categories of chains, "Rounded chain" and "Cornered chain". Cornered chain has a body with edges and corners; while Rounded chain has a round body.
Both types of chains are divided into small and large ones, and the larger ones are also called "太", that is, "太丸/Large Rounded " and "太角/Large Cornered ".
Generally speaking, large rounded or cornered chains can only pass through feathers with larger pores, while only small chains can pass through feathers with fine pores. Therefore, in the market, the price of small cornered chains is relatively high.
In terms of length, there are 50, 60, and 70cm. 50cm is the most commonly used length. Generally, the feathers will be on the chest when worn. The 70cm is more suitable for some larger pendants that are suitable for independent wear.
長度方面,一般有50,60,70cm, 50cm的則是平常較多用的長度,一般帶上後羽毛大概會在胸口上位置。而70cm則是比較適合一些較大而適合獨立配帶的吊墜。
There are two major categories of chains, "Rounded chain" and "Cornered chain". Cornered chain has a body with edges and corners; while Rounded chain has a round body.
Both types of chains are divided into small and large ones, and the larger ones are also called "太", that is, "太丸/Large Rounded " and "太角/Large Cornered ".
Generally speaking, large rounded or cornered chains can only pass through feathers with larger pores, while only small chains can pass through feathers with fine pores. Therefore, in the market, the price of small cornered chains is relatively high.
In terms of length, there are 50, 60, and 70cm. 50cm is the most commonly used length. Generally, the feathers will be on the chest when worn. The 70cm is more suitable for some larger pendants that are suitable for independent wear.
長度方面,一般有50,60,70cm, 50cm的則是平常較多用的長度,一般帶上後羽毛大概會在胸口上位置。而70cm則是比較適合一些較大而適合獨立配帶的吊墜。